Use the option Salary Matters->Provident Fund(PF)->Change approving authority (temporary Advance)
Select “Amount to be credited to PF” as “yes “while processing multiple month salary through Salary Matters->Processing->Multiple month Salary.
Use the option Service Matters->Change Controlling officer through DDO login.
Use the option Administration-> Create/Modify Users under DDO through DDO login
As per the G.O. (P) No. 71/2022/Fin dated 24/06/2022, if an employee has a part salary, then the MEDISEP deduction should be deducted from the first part salary.
If employee is already encashed salary in revised rate, As per circular 79/2021 fin dated 18/09/2021 provision is available in SPARK for cancel 11th pay fixation. For that you can use the option Salary matters>>> Pay fixation-11th pay revision >>> Cancellation Request (salary processed)
Please ensure that PF type and PF number in Present service details is Blank.
No need to validate leave surrender slip. Leave surrender slip will validate automatically after processing the leave surrender bill.
For updating the office address you are requested to please forward a signed official request letter through email to from the DDO with Department name, District name, Office name (Same as in SPARK) and Office code along with Office address with Post office name, PIN Code and Land phone number. The office code can be taken from the menu ADMINISTRATION – CODE MASTERS – OFFICE though your login. Also please include the PEN of the DDO in your request letter.
Address of the office means Building name, number, Post office name, Street name, Land Mark etc.. and not the office name.
If the festival advance is deducted as excess, then please go through, Salary Matters>>>Processing>>>Other Allowances>>>Sanction Order Details [Select the allowance item as “Refund of Onam Advance (202)]. Then process the bill through, Salary Matters>>>Processing>>>Other Allowances>>>Other Allowance Processing option.
Provision is enabled in SPARK as per circular 57/2022/Fin dated 11/07/2022 .If none of the arrears on account of 10 th Pay revision is processed till date the same could be generated as salary arears in the 10 th Pay Revision Arrears rate.
For marking voluntary retirement, Kindly use the option Service matters>>>Retirements>>>Enter retirement details (select nature of retirement as ‘Voluntary retirement’).
If the leave details of employee are edited/extended after processing previous month salary, then there is a message prompted to process excess pay recovery while processing the salary of subsequent month. In such cases, excess pay bill (even if it is zero bills also) is required to be processed and merged with salary.
The Head of the account will be updated in SPARK only after mapping the same in BAMS and BIMS. After mapping the head, please follow the menu in SPARK, Accounts –> Initialisation –> Head of Account, and then click on the button ‘Get Head wise Allocation From Treasury’.
For processing terminal surrender, AG’s terminal surrender slip effective date and employee’s superannuation/retirement date whichever is lesser in SPARK should be same.
If any mistake in superannuation date , As per Circular no 115/2021/Fin The DDO have the provision to correct superannuation date .For that please use the option Service Matters -> Name/DoB/Superannuation/Service Category Change -> Submit Request & then Service Matters -> Name/DoB/Superannuation/Service Category Change -> Approve Request.
Adding and Modifying privileges can be updated through the DDO login via option Administration>> Create/Modify users from the DDO login. The privileges can be assigned only to state subordinate categories for performing establishment operations.
Employee must Confirm that the mobile number that has been linked with the AADHAR is in active status and ensure that the SMS Facility is available.
Make sure appropriate AG pay slips/Manually LPC slips is inserted and same is validated.
To overcome such issues, DDO should check if any pending slips are available for the validation and validate those slips through respective DDO login.
DDO may ensure that the PF type and PF number is blank i.e ‘Select’ in the Present service detail of the newly joined employee in order to list the employee for GPF new admission application.
The message “USER Cancelled Login Request” is due to the DSC device has been blocked due to multiple incorrect passwords attempts,
DDO may contact the concerned authority ( from where the DSC was issued) to reset the DSC password.
The name in DSC should match either with the name updated in SPARK or with the name as in Aadhaar( updated in SPARK PROFILE). DDO may check it with the name in DSC. If any issue exists, then submit the mentioned documents to SPARK PMU to remove the aadhaar updated in SPARK profile
DDO may register the DSC in BIMS and ensure that the DSC has been registered successfully in TREASURY.
Ensure that the DSC has been registered in SPARK i.e via ADMINISTRATION>> NEW REGISTRATION/RENEWAL OF DSC
In such cases DDO may ensure that the :
The Bank account of the retired can be corrected using the option Salary Matters>>Processing>>Arrear>>Salary Arrear>>Salary Arrear>> Salary Arrear-Retired Employees>> Edit Present Salary via the DDO login.
DDO can correct the Name, Date of Birth, Superannuation date and service category of the employee through their login using the option Service Matters>>Name/DoB/Superannuation
As per Circular No: 46/2023/fin Dated 20-05-2023, concerned HODs will be the approving authority of the same.
Online appointment provision has been enabled for the DDOs . Through DDO login DDO login>> DDO login >> Administration >>Appointment in SPARK PMU >>Appointment
DDO need to register in BIMS then in SPARK use the module TAKE CHARGE AS DDO For related tutorial visit the link click to view tutorials
PRAN will be automatically updated in SPARK. See service matters – Personal details – present service details to verify whether PRAN is added. If so, please insert NPS deduction (NPS contribution in the state) in present salary menu. If PRAN is no there, send an e-mail to with Name, PEN & PRAN for updation.
Go to salary processing menu – refresh – see the message job completed with errors – view errors. Click on view errors to identify the issue.
If a message is seen as ‘Data Mismatch found “, then the message is due to the service history Entitlement authentication for the mentioned period of service history being pending. So please contact the concerned approving authority for authenticating the service history and then process arrears.
{ Authentication procedure: The verification user of your approving authority can verify employee data of aided institutions through, Service Matters>>Verify proposals (aided) >> Verify entitlement authentication option and forward the verified application [present salary and each service history entry ( from starting every entry of service history)] for approval to the concerned approving authority.
Then the forwarded application needs to be authenticated via the approving authority. After the above-mentioned procedure is completed – authentication is completed.}
It seems that any pending bills to be encashed may be available for the mentioned employee, The bill type/nature and BILL control code will be available to verify the same.
Please check the rejection remarks. Then try to forward application once again with correct details to concern HOD for approval
Please correct the bank account details of temporary employee through, Accounts >>Employees with SPARK ID >> Edit Details option. Then please go through the menu, Account>>Bank Account Correction.
You can process the refund of festival advance through, Salary Matters>>Processing>>Other Allowances>>Sanction Order Details option. Select the allowance item as “Refund of Onam Advance. Then process the bill through, Salary Matters>>Processing>>Other Allowances>>>Other Allowance Processing option
No need to update MEDISEP deduction through DDO login. After processing the salary, the deduction will be updated automatically in present salary
Please make sure that whether aadhaar details are updated in Present service details of DDO login. If it updated then please register as individual user through ‘Not registered a user yet, register now’ link available in login page of SPARK. After that try to use Mobile App
Employee can forward the Leave cancellation Application, if the “From Date” of the availed leave is within 45 days from the date of cancellation. Please go through the menu, Service Matters>>Leave Application >>Cancel Leave in individual login. Then the forwarded application can be approved by the DDO through, Service Matters>>Leave/COff/OD processing>>Leave Approval
It is possible to download the deduction statement through Accounts>> Deduction Statement
Please update the Bank details of employee through the menu, Salary Matters>>Changes in the month>>Present salary. Then change the option Credit salary to bank as ‘Y’ and click Confirm button
The claim bills can be processed through, Accounts>>Claim Entry>>Employees not having PEN option
As per the G.O.(P)No.94/2022/Fin dated 24/08/2022, the Head of the Department(HOD) can update the controlling Office. The Head of the Department can update the controlling office through, Profile/Admin>>Update Immediate Controlling Office option
NPS arrear recovery details can be updated through, Salary Matters >>Changes in the month>>NPS Arrear Recovery option
DDO can change the next increment date through, Salary Matters>>Changes in the month>>Present salary. >> Next increment date option
DDO can change the Scale to PRE PRE REVISED 2009 through a new software module that has been updated in SPARK to update the DA, HRA, and CCA rates of the Employees still prior to 10 PR.
a)Salary Matters –> Employee continuing in scale prior to 10 PR(aided) –> Forward request by DDO
b)Salary Matters –> Employee Continuing in scale prior to 10 PR(aided) –> Approval View employees details
c) for aided the same is needed to be forwarded to the concern approving authority
Service Matters –> Verify proposals (aided) –> Verify employee continuing in scale prior to 10 PR
d)Service Matters –> Approval(for Aided) –> Employee continuing in scale prior to 10 PR
Please make sure that the email ID and mobile number updated in the ‘Reset Password’ window is same as that of SPARK Contact details. If not please contact your DDO to correct the contact details.
The problem is that some of the bills authorisation may be present in the establishment login , in such cases DDO can remove the bill authorization through, AdministrationàCreate/Modify users under DDO option.
Remove the tick mark of already selected bills and click the button ‘Add selected privileges to the user’. Then salary can be processed through establishment login.
LPC of retired employees can be generated only upto 3 months from the date of retirement through SPARK.
Loan details can be corrected through, Salary Matters >> Changes in the Month >> Loans >> Loans details
DDO can update the recovery details through, Salary Matters>>Co-operative Recovery >>Recovery details option.
The Basic pay change and Service History change of the Deceased employee can be done only after the death is marked.
Salary for deceased employee can be processed through:
NB : verify the processed amount displayed in the claim and which can be equally distributed to nominees.
Multiple month salary can be processed via :
NB : verify the processed amount displayed in the claim and which can be equally distributed to nominees.
Salary arrears can be processed via
NB : verify the processed amount displayed in the claim and which can be equally distributed to nominees.
N B : If none of the arrears on account of 10th Pay Revision is processed till date, then the same could be generated as salary arrears in 10th Pay Revision Arrears rate. Kindly refer the Circular No. 57/2022/Fin dated 11/07/2022.
NB : verify the processed amount displayed in the claim and which can be equally distributed to nominees.
NB : verify the processed amount displayed in the claim and which can be equally distributed to nominees.
In case of state subordinate:
In case of Gazetted:
For regular promotion: CTC can be forwarded from DDO login to AG
For TBHG/Ratio based promotion: Data can be forwarded from DDO login to AG
(Accounts>> Bills>>View prepared contingent claims)
NB: If the bill is E-Submitted, it will not be available to cancel anywhere
If so, then the bill will available to cancel in option
Accounts>>Bills>>cancel bills
Accounts>>Claim entry>>Nominees (please select the grid and delete the same)
Salary Matters>>Processing>>01.Salary>>Cancel processed salary
Accounts>>Claim entry>>Nominees (please select the nature of claim as income tax deduction)
Salary matters>> Provident Fund(PF)>>GPF closure application
(select option Employees Expired/Retired/VRS/Dismissal/Invalid Pension/Transfer of Balance / Termination/ Resignation/ Dismissed from Service/ Removed from Service/ Compulsory Retirement as Penalty/ Retirement on Compensation Pension/ Resignation for joining PSUS / Autonomous bodies)
Claim entry>> nominees
Accounts>>Bank accounts correction
If an Employee Retirement nature is incorrectly marked as “Death”,As per Circular 64/2019 dated 01/07/2019, take up this matter to government through the proper channel. The Circular is available on the Website “”
Please enter the encashed claim bills, use the manually drawn option through the menu — Salary Matters—>Manually drawn, for the corresponding months. Then do pay fixation(2019) and also process pay revision arrear(2019) in the deceased employee option.
There are 12 different types of nature of retirement available in SPARK. They are:
The retirement can be marked through:
“Service matters>Retirements>Enter Retirement details” (Either through DDO login or through establishment login)
(Non-gazetted) –For non-gazetted employee enter the promotion order details of the employee through the menu,
Service matters>Promotion/Grade/Reversion>Generate promotion order (Retired Employees)
Afterwards, the pay fixation may be done through,
Service matters>Promotion/Grade/Reversion>Pay fixation on promotion (Retired Employees)
The designation will be changed accordingly.
(Gazetted ) – The regular employees CTC work flow condition will be applicable for the retired gazetted employees also.
Service matters>Promotion/Grade/Reversion>Relieving CTC>Submit relieving request (For retired)
Promotion order details can be entered via the DDO/ Establishment login:
Service matters>Promotion/Grade/Reversion>Promotion/Demotion(Retired Employees-Aided) .
After entering the details, click “forward for approval” button. Then the approving authority can approve the same after the verification done by the verifier.
The PF closure application can be submitted to the DDO through their login Salary matters>Provident Fund>GPF closure application
DDO may approve the same.
In case if the employee has been superannuated, then mark retirement in SPARK and then the GPF closure application can be submitted by DDO only.
If a DDO is supposed to be retired, concerned controlling officer may approve the GPF closure application.
NB: The period of bill in the claim entry should be the retirement month itself.
In case of aided institutions, the sanction order will be fetched from the GAINPF login and the remaining bill preparation in SPARK will be same as mentioned above.
To edit the Present salary/Service history of a retired employee, DDO may use the option,
Salary Matters—>Processing—>Arrear—>Salary Arrear—>Salary Arrear-Retired employeesà Edit Present salary / Edit Service history
After entering retirement details, last month salary of the retired employee can be processed through,
Salary matters>Processing>Salary>Monthly salary processing
If the Etsb has been closed by the employee through treasury, the bank account details of the employee will be fetched to SPARK profile automatically.
Salary arrear of retired employee can be processed through the option,
Salary Matters—>Processing—>Arrear—>Salary Arrear—>Salary Arrear Retired employeesà Salary Arrear -Retired
In order to stop the deductions, DDO may use the module
Salary Matters—>Processing—>Arrear—>Salary Arrear—>Salary Arrear-Retired employeesà Edit Present salary
Various deductions may be seen, the same can be stopped accordingly.
Retired employee will not be listed for increment processing. The Basic pay of the employee may be updated accordingly in the present salary through,
Salary Matters—>Processing—>Arrear—>Salary Arrear—>Salary Arrear-Retired employeesà Edit Present salary
The terminal surrender of retired employee can be processed through,
Accounts>Claim entry>Regular/Employees with SPARK ID
Select the nature of claim as “Terminal surr of Leave”. In the case of gazetted officers, AG slip will be considered for processing.
The salary bill prior to 02/11 for a retired employee can be processed through,
Salary matters>Manual bill preparation(Pre 2/2011)>Claim w.r.t employees having PEN(Retired)
The salary arrear bill prior to 02/11 for a retired employee can be processed through,
Salary matters>Manual bill preparation(Pre 2/2011)>Claim w.r.t employees having PEN(Retired)
NB: If the bill is E-Submitted, it will not be available to cancel anywhere
If so, then the bill will available to cancel in option
Accounts>>Bills>>cancel bills
The tour claim sanctioned for attending court case can be processed through,
Accounts–>Claim entry–>Relieved/retired
where select the nature of claim as “TA Final Claim (Tour)”
The deduction statement of a retired employee can be done through
AccountsàDeduction statement
Retirement LPC of an employee can be taken through
Salary matters–>Other reports–>LPC
In general, the retired Employee will be listed in mainly all modules like regular employees, In some cases an authorized request letter by DDO is needed to revoke the PEN . But PEN will be revoked only for genuine cases and additional documents will be demanded based on the need of revoking.
No. login permission is not applicable for a retired employee.
At present, like regular employees the Retired employee will be listed in the SERVICE MATTERS —-> PERSONEL DETAILS menu
The retirement may not be marked for the employee. (The employee will be listed for claim entry through retired employee module only if the retirement has marked for the employee.)
1) There is no DDO in new office (joining office), the employee himself is the new DDO. How can one join into new office?
– • The employee must submit joining CTC request through individual login, then join into new office using Service Matters —–>Take Charge of DDO option .Then contact HOD for forwarding Joining CTC to AG.
2) I joined the new office through the menu ‘Take charge as DDO’ option. The joining CTC status is seen as pending by DDO, through which option the joining CTC can be forwarded to AG?
3) Mistakenly gave the incorrect “Joining/Relieving CTC” and the same was forwarded to AG. How to correct such details?
4) The TBHG/Ratio-based promotion was forwarded to AG incorrectly. How to correct the same?
5) While submitting the relieving request (for promotion/Transfer), the reporting officer’s name is not listed.
HOD may use the menu: Profile/Admin >> Update Immediate Controlling Office
6) While submitting the joining CTC, Correct date was entered during the same. But the next date is seen mistakenly updated in the “Present Salary details” of the employee. correct date is seen in Joining CTC. Thereby AG is having an issue in forwarding the Payslip. How to correct Present Salary details as per Joining CTC?
7) Mistakenly entered incorrect office (abolished) in Promotion /Transfer order, and employee mistakenly ‘Submitted the Joining Request’, how to revert correct joining office details.
8) Employee has NGO to SDO Promotion/ transfer, how to forward the Joining CTC to AG’s.
9) “Cancel CTC request “for Joining /Relieving has already been submitted, but data is still pending. How to resolve such cases?
10) How to download the “joining/ relieving CTC” report document.
11) How can one confirm whether the CTC has been forwarded to AG?
13) While selecting “Generate Promotion order” the desired Designation is not listed in the Designation list.
14) One’s designation is seen as mistake in the “Relieving request details” menu. How to correct the current designation?
15) While generating the promotion/transfer, multiple designations (with same name) are seen in new designations drop down list, How to identify correct desired Designation?
16) Employee re-joined after deputation from a NON-SPARK office to a SPARK implemented office. How to the transfer employee and submit CTC to AG’s.
In such cases, DDO must ensure that the PRESENT SALARY for the mentioned employee has been authenticated by the concerned approving authority.
Before processing the salary arrears, should ensure that the SERVICE HISTORY’s all entries should be authenticated.
For Ref:
Authentication procedure: The verification user of your AEO/DEO can verify employee data of aided institutions through, Service Matters>>Verify proposals (aided) >> Verify entitlement authentication option and forward the verified application ( present salary and each service history entry ( from starting every entry of service history)) for approval to the concerned approving authority.
In the case of retired employees, select the option in verifier login- Include retired employees for the year>> Then enter the retirement year. Afterward, get all the entries authenticated ( present salary and each entry of service history ).
Entitlement authentication refers to the authentication of both present salary and service history (all entries)
Authentication procedure: The verification user of your AEO/DEO can verify employee data of aided institutions through, Service Matters>>Verify proposals (aided) >> Verify entitlement authentication option and forward the verified application ( present salary and each service history entry ( from starting every entry of service history)) for approval to the concerned approving authority.
Then the forwarded application is needed to be authenticated via approving authority after the above-mentioned procedure authentication is completed.
If you want to relieve the employee from current post to new higher post in SPARK, go through Service Matters>>Fresh Appointment to new post>>Relieve from current post, if there is any part salary in old office you can process it after relieving. The transferred employee can join to new post through the menu Service Matters>>Fresh Appointment to new post>>Join in new post.
To revert the employee back to current post, you can choose Service Matters>>Fresh Appointment to new post>>Revert relieving.
If you want to change both designation and basic pay choose rule 28 A in pay fixation on promotion, to change designation only then choose rule 30 in pay fixation on promotion.
You can transfer the employee by selecting the option Salary Matters>>Deputation>>Relieve on Deputation, enter the deputation details. The deputation is over and employee needs to join his/her own parent department, select the menu Matters>>Deputation>>Return from Deputation.
*** If the employee works under deputation in non-SPARK institution, corresponding period salary details can be updated in SPARK through Salary Matters>>Manually Drawn Option.
Select the menu Service Matters— > Retirements —-> Retirements. In the Retirement/Terminations/Resignations window, select Department, Office, Employee and then opt the Nature of Retirement or Termination As “Duplicate/Unused PEN”, finally enter the Retirement or Termination Date and confirm the data.
You have to select the menu Salary Matters–>Processing–>Arrear–>Salary Arrear–>Salary Arrear-Retired Employees—>Edit Present Salary for editing present salary details for salary arrear retired employees.
To update the service history of retired employees select the menu Salary Matters—>Processing–>Arrear—>Salary Arrear—>Edit Service History.
Initially you have to check and confirm whether employee designation and scale of pay is changed or not. If employee designation and scale of pay changed but no change in basic pay/last pay change date,then mail us
1.Request from DDO with seal and signature, clearly mentioning the reason for pay change, employee PEN, Basic pay and Last pay change date of this employee to be updated in spark.
2. Manual Fixation Statement.
3. Copy of the service book page showing the relevant changes in basic pay.
** If the employee have drawn excess pay and already refunded please send copy of refund chalan
** For all aided institutions the request letter should be counter signed by higher authority (AEO/DEO/RDD/DD )
Check whether the TEN is already terminated from previous office .If yes, register the employee again after the very next date of termination.
The Basic pay change and Service History change of the retired employee can be done only after the retirement is marked.
SPARK generated challan
You have to send DDO request letter with corresponding challan copy via e mail to update the remittance details..
Treasury challan
If you have refunded excess amount through treasury challan then you can update the details through, Salary Matters>>Manually Drawn option as negative entries with payment type as Arrear.
Cancelling the Leave Account Request:
Service matters-> Leave/OD/Coff processing -> Leave account -> Leave account cancellation request.
Cancelling Leave Account Approval:
Service matters-> Leave/OD/Coff processing -> Leave account -> Leave account cancellation Approval.
Leave Account processing
Service matters -> Leave/OD/Coff processing -> Leave account-> Leave account Processing.
The individual employee can access login by SPARK after registering the details that is already in SPARK by using the link “Not registered a user yet, register now” from the login page of SPARK website.
Update the leave details through service matters —->leave —-> leave history option then validate leave slip using the menu Salary matters —>Changes in the month—> present salary option then click Go button,finally check Salary matters —>Changes in the month —->AG pay slip details is validated to ‘yes’.
To edit/cancel the leave entered, Please go through the menu Service matters—->Leave/Coff/OD processing—>Leave History then select “Edit” and select the Edit Purpose after that click the “Update” button.
The service history from date and to date entries should be continuous, avoid repetitive dates. The date should be previous date from last pay change date in present salary. The service history records can be edited after unlocking the employee record and lock after the necessary corrections done.
Use the option Accounts>>Claim Entry>>Regular Employee, Ensure that retirement is marked for the employee from Service matters menu.
Which department does coordinate the implementation of SPARK?
What is the role of SPARK Project Management Unit (SPARK PMU)?
Who is the developer of SPARK software?
Regular employees Registration
New employee registration is done by the concerned DDO/Head of the Department/Establishment User of the office through the SPARK option Administration→ New employee record. PEN will be generated on entering all the mandatory fields on the personal memoranda page and clicking on ‘Confirm’ button. The registration procedure will be completed only after entering the details in ‘Present Service Details and Contact Details pages.
Points to be noted
Temporary Employee/Provisional Employee Registration
The DDO/Head of the Dept/Establishment can register the temporary employees (who are not provided with service Book) through Accounts → Register Temporary employee by entering the details such as name, date of birth, address and bank account details. Name, date of birth and Aadhaar number should be same as given in the Aadhaar card. If system shows any error message like “Enter name/dob as in Aadhaar”, then employee should correct the Aadhaar details by contacting nearest Akshaya having biometric facility. Then only, system will allow registering the employee details in SPARK. Also it should be noted that if employee details are saved with incorrect Aadhaar details, system will restrict further correction on employee details with new Aadhaar. In such cases Name / Date of Birth of an employee can be changed through the menu , Accounts → Temporary employees→Edit details. System strictly restricts the registration of an employee from multiple offices. Once a temporary employee got registered in an office through SPARK system, then without terminating from that office, he/she cannot be registered in other offices. On registering the employee, system will generate a temporary employee number (TEN) for the employee.
User can reset password by clicking on ‘Forgot password’link displayed on the log in page of SPARK. On clicking the link ‘Reset password’ window will appear on the screen for setting new password.Reset password⇒ Enter PEN, Date of Birth, and Email address ⇒ Click on ‘Submit’ Button. If the Email address given is found matching with that given in SPARK profile, then Mobile Number as provided in SPARK Personal Details will appear. If the Mobile Number found correct, click on ‘Verify’ button. Then OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to the mobile number as in the Screen. Enter OTP⇒ click on ‘Confirm’ Button.Then a new window will be displayed for resetting the password, After setting a new password as per the password policy, click on ‘Continue’ Button to confirm new password.
Password Policy
Points to be noted
Regular employees/Provisional Employee Registration
New employee registration is done by the concerned DDO/Head of the Department/Establishment User of the office through the SPARK option Administration→ New employee record. PEN will be generated on entering all the mandatory fields on the personal memoranda page and clicking on ‘Confirm’ button. The registration procedure will be completed only after entering the details in ‘Present Service Details and Contact Details pages.
Points to be noted
Temporary Employee Registration
The DDO/Head of the Dept/Establishment can register the temporary employees (who are not provided with service Book) through Accounts →Register Temporary employee by entering the details such as name, date of birth, address and bank account details. Name, date of birth and Aadhaar number should be same as given in the Aadhaar card. If system shows any error message like “Enter name/dob as in Aadhaar”, then employee should correct the Aadhar details by contacting nearest Akshaya having biometric facility. Then only, system will allow registering the employee details in SPARK. Also it should be noted that if employee details are saved with incorrect Aadhaar details, system will restrict further correction on employee details with new Aadhaar. In such cases DDO should contact SPARK PMU for correcting Aadhaar details as per new Aadhaar. System strictly restricts the registration of an employee from multiple offices. Once a temporary employee got registered in an office through SPARK system, then without terminating from that office, he/she cannot be registered in other offices. On registering the employee, system will generate a temporary employee number (TEN) for the employee.
Pay and allowances of all temporary staffs are processed through Temporary employee module. At first temporary employees Temporary Employees can be registered through the menu, Accounts → Temporary employees →Register Temporary employee. Then update the details such as Name, Date of birth, Address and Bank Account details. The Name / Date of Birth of an employee can be changed through the menu , Accounts >> → Temporary employees→Edit details.
For updating Aadhar in SPARK, go through the menu Service mattersàPersonal detailsàPresentservice details. Thenverify the aadhar details and update it. After that register once again.
The concerned DDO/Head of the Department/Establishment User can lock the employee details through the option Administration→ Lock employee Record. Employee details should be locked after data verification for ensuring effective processing of employees’ service related procedure through SPARK.
To unlock employee record concerned DDO have to send unlock request through the menu Administration→ Unlock Request,
Select the details to be unlocked and forward for approval to controlling officer.
Unlock approval facility is enabled under controlling officer’s login through the menu Administration→ Unlock Approval option and approve the corresponding employee to unlock.
Points to be noted
For updating Aadhar in SPARK, go through the menu Service mattersàPersonal detailsàPresentservice details. Thenverify the aadhar details and update it. After that register once again.
No. The digital signer device need to be connected only at the time of E-submission or for approving Online PF Applications
Login to SPARK home page. Then go through the menu, AdministrationàNew registration/Renewal of DSC. Click the link ‘Download the appropriate Signer tool ZIP folder Windows/Ubuntu/Mac from′, available in the menu.
If the device (Token) is replaced or the DDO has changed then the same option (NewRegistration/Renewal of DSC) can be used for renewal. In such cases DSC should be registered again in BIMSotherwise this message will be displayed on the screen.
Digital signature certificate can be imported in Internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Flag settings are to be imported in Google chrome
Open Mozilla Firefox and type the following in the address bar and press Enter key
A new window will appear and click the View Certificate button
In the new window click the Import button in Authorities tab.
Import the root CA.crt file certificate in the ssl Folder which is already downloaded with DSC Signer and click the Open button.
Select the option Trust this CA to identify websites from the new window and click Ok button.
When the configuration is completed Mozilla Firefox is ready for digital signing using DSC signer.
Open Google Chrome and type the following in the address bar and press Enter key.
Enable the yellow colored link in the flowing window.
After that click the Relaunch button seen at the bottom of the page.
The name in the device should be matched with the name registered in Spark or it should be matched with the name in Aadhar. So Aadhar number should be updated in Spark.
For Registration/Renewal of digital signature device in SPARK, select the Administration menu after login to SPARK. Then click New Registration/Renewal of DSC option in Administration menu.
Click New Registration/Renewal of DSC for registration. Once registered the validity period can be viewed in that window.
After clicking registration option a window will appear for inserting the Token password of the device. In that window insert the password and click Ok button.
A new window, with the name as in Token and the validity period of certificate will be displayed on the screen. Select the check box and click Ok button. If the name is matched then SPARK registration will be completed.
For Registration/Renewal of Digital signature device in BIMS click the DSC registration link available in BIMS Home page.
Insert the 10 digit DDO code and click Next button.
The DDO registration details including Treasury, Department, Office, Designation of DDO will appear in that page. Then click Proceed button.
A pdf certificate will generate in that page. This is the procedure of registration in BIMS.
Submit the acknowledgment letter downloaded from BIMS to concerned treasury.
Yes. At first the digital signer device should be installed in BIMS
DSC Signer will be seen at the right side of the task bar (if the Token is plugged in). To change the Token type right click the DSC signericon and click Settings.
Then select the appropriate Token.
After selecting the Token click Save button.
For updating new office details in SPARK, the Head of the office/DDO has to forward ‘Format 1’ to SPARK PMU office along with sanction order from Government, FORM 3 & FROM 5 for setting DDO /Controlling officer for the newly created office. Before sending Format 01 to SPARK, please ensure that the form is signed by DDO and counter signed by the concerned Treasury.
For adding new bank/bank branch in SPARK, the bank should send the following details to SPARK PMU office or e mail to
Note: The above mentioned Bank details should be sent from bank’s official mail id
For registering a Co Operative Society in SPARK, the cooperative society needs to send the following details (in Letter head) to SPARK PMU office or e mail to
All DDO’s should strictly follow the directions/ instructions mentioned in Circular No. 77/2017/Fin dated 19/10/2017 before processing the second instalment pay revision arrears.
Generate second instalment pay revision arrear bill, only after confirming the encashment details of the 1st pay revision arrear bill.
Encashment details of the pay revision arrear bills can be viewed through the option;
Salary matters→Encashment Details (Select SPARK code of the first instalment Pay Revision Arrear Bill)
Screen shot of the Encashment Details page
Step 1: Check the pay revision arrear second instalment draft bill
Salary Matters→ Pay revision 2014→ Pay revision arrear→Pay revision Arrear Bill→(for retired employees, select Pay revision Arrear Bill( Retired ) option)
Generate pay revision arrear bill by selecting the month (select the month on which the employee’s Ist pay revision arrear bill got processed), As there is no change in total pay revision arrear amount, inner bill will be same as that generated with the Ist instalment, but you need to check the draft bill of Outer bill (2nd instalment) and Schedules (2nd instalment)
Screen shot of the Pay Revision Arrear Bill Generation window
Description of 1st and 2nd instalment Bills
Step 2: Make bill
Accounts→Bills→Make bill from payroll, do make bill option for the 2nd instalment bill.
Screen shot of the Make Bill window
After make bill option you can generate 2nd instalment pay revision arrear bill through ;
Salary Matters→ Pay revision 2014→ Pay revision arrear→Pay revision Arrear Bill→(for retired employees, select Pay revision Arrear Bill( Retired ) option.
Printouts of the bills can be generated through the option referred in Step 1
Step 3: E-submit
Accounts→ Bills→E submit Bill
Screen shot of the E-submit window
Step 4: View bill status
Accounts→ Bills→ View submitted Pay bills
If the bill status seen as treasury objected, then this bill can be cancelled through the option;
Accounts→ Cancel bill
Terminal ELS (PR 2014) 2nd instalment:
Follow the below mentioned steps to process the second instalment of Terminal surrender arrear (PR 2014) claim
Make bill from approved claim→ View prepared contingent claim→ E submit bill
Bill status of the e-submitted Terminal surrender (PR 2014) bills can be viewed through the option,
Accounts→ Bills→ View prepared contingent claim.
Please see the below displayed table and submit forms to SPARK PMU office for setting office details
FORMAT 01 | New Office Installation in SPARK |
FORM 6 | HRA Change Request |
FORM 7 | Change DDO code/Dept code/Treasury code /Office name in spark |
For adding new bank/bank branch in SPARK, the bank should send the following details to SPARK PMU office or e mail to
Note: The above mentioned Bank details should be sent from bank’s official mail id
DDO privilege in SPARK: The DDO/Head of the Dept has to submit Form 3 to SPARK PMU office/District Treasury, nominating new DDO. ( Form no 3 can be downloaded from )
Form 3 should be filled and counter signed by the concerned DDO with seal.
Please specify date of Joining of new DDO in the concerned Office.
DDO Registration Number from Treasury should be specified in the form.
Controlling Officer Privilege
For Setting Controlling Officer in SPARK, Form 5 has to be sent to SPARK PMU office/District Treasury.
Nomination/ Change of nomination of Department Management User (DMU)
Submit Form 2 to SPARK PMU office.
Yes. User can generate the employee’s service records in PDF format through the option
Service Matters->Generate Data sheet option.
Employee details which have been entered through SPARK can be generated for printing through this screen. There are two options available under this option, ‘Individual data sheet’ and ‘Designation wise data sheet’.
Individual Data Sheet
Data sheet of individual employees can be generated through this option by selecting office and employee PEN. Click on ‘Generate Report’ button to produce the data sheet of the particular employee.
Designation wise Data Sheet
Data sheet of all employees under the particular designation for the selected office can be generated through this option. Select office and designation from drop down list and Click on ‘Generate Report’ button to generate the data sheet.
Points to be noted:
Before updating leave account, the concerned DDO should check and verify the employee’s leave details, leave availed details should be updated in employee’s leave details.
The concerned DDO has to submit the following documents to SPARK PMU office for deleting the wrongly entered leave account. After getting this entry deleted from SPARK PMU office, user can update correct leave details.